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Showing posts from August, 2013

Secret Cravings Publishing Blog Hop August 24th - 25th

Welcome to Secret Cravings Publishing Blog Hop.  It's closing in the end of the summer.  The kids will be back in school, now it is mom's turn to buy something for herself.  Back in the day, when my kids were home during the summer, I never had a chance to curl up with a book.  By ten o'clock, I was dead to the world.  These days, if I'm not writing a love story, I am reading one. The summer is my favorite time of the year.  I love sitting on the beach writing and reading.  Last summer I edited Mystical Wonders - Circle of Friends and Second Chances.  This summer I got a late start because of Hurricane Sandy.  But I was able to write and do edits on book 4 - Survival. Next months, the third in the series - The Right Call Will be released.  Circle of Friends and Second Chances are both available electronically.  Circle of Friends is now available in paperback if you don't have a kindle, nook or like to read via a PDF file.       

Tuesday Tales – Rough

   Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tales to the word prompt rough.  This week will conclude Pia and Lorenzo's story.  Keep in mind this is unedited, so I apologize in advance for the errors.  I hope you enjoyed their story.                                            “Wow.”   Pia’s eyes bulged wide opened.   “You’ve left me speechless.” “I don’t see any problem at all.   A simple yes I’ll come with you, or no I can’t.” Pia gazed at Lorenzo.   He looked so intense. This was a huge decision to be made, one she would have liked to think about.   But for once in her life she would go with her gut.   She knew exactly what she wanted.   Pia sighed. “I know this is a huge decision, especially since the rough bumps in the road that we’ve been through.   If,” he raised his index finger, “you’re worried about your business, job, don’t worry about it.   I can get you set up anywhere you want.   But that isn’t my intention to bribe you.   “I need y

Tuesday Tales – Smooth

        Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tales to the word prompt - Smooth.  This is a rough draft so please excuse the mistakes.  Hope you enjoy.                                      Dinner had been wonderful.   Lorenzo had taken her out to an Italian restaurant, where he ordered all her favorite foods.   Not once during dinner did he mention anything about then. The conversation had been general with them talking about the weather, the baseball season.   After dinner they drove down Hylan Boulevard to Father Capodanno. “I thought we would take walk along the boardwalk before stopping at the South Finn for a night cap.   What do you think?” he asked pulling into the parking lot by the dolphins. “I’d love that.   I have my pair of flats in my pocketbook. “That’s great.   This way I don’t have to worry about the heel of your shoe getting caught be tween the boards.” He opened her car door.   She slid out with Lorenzo sliding his