Welcome to this weeks Tuesday Tales. This week will conclude the adventures of Billy and Alexandra. I'd like to thank everyone for for stopping by my tiny space on the web every week giving me your love and support. Watch out next Tuesday for a brand new story with Pia and Lorenzo. For other wonderful tales by a group of talented authors check out TUESDAY TALES . Alexandra waited until after they had their coffee and dessert before she asked Billy the questions, which kept going through her mind while she sat tied to the wooden chair in the café. What she couldn’t understand was why the doctor kept asking her where Billy hid the diamonds. He insisted that there had to be at least two dozen diamonds missing, which went back to Billy. She wanted the truth. “Why don’t we kick off our shoes and sit in the living room.” Alexandra grabbed her coffee mug off the table and sat down crossed leg on the couch. “I’d like to talk to you about what happened at the café.” Billy followe