Welcome to this weeks Tuesday Tales. The story picks up where Jill and Robbie are at Strawberry Fields, in Central Park in New York City. This is a work in progress and has get to be titled. Their afternoon in Central Park was flawless. They spent an hour at Strawberry Fields listening to different musicians perform their rendition of their favorite Beatle's songs. The slow ones they danced as a couple, the fast ones they sang along with the crowd. Jill couldn’t be more pleased with the way the afternoon had gone. The only thing missing, to make it a perfect afternoon was feeling Robbie’s lips pressed against hers. As the sun started to set, Robbie took her hand and led her to the fountain where they sat in silence watching the orange colored sky turn into darkness. Robbie stood first before reaching his hand out to Jill. “After all that singing and dancing, I worked up a hell of an appetite.” “To be honest, now that we stopped dancing,