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Tuesday Tales – Picture Prompt Red Box

Welcome to our monthly picture prompt edition of Tuesday Tales.  With this being Valentine Day week, lets take a  look and see what our authors have put into their little red boxes.  Happy Valentine Day to everyone! 

Lorenzo stood outside a jewelry shop on Rodeo Drive.  After this set of games in Los Angeles, there was a two game series in San Diego before he returned home.  He wanted to buy something special for Pia.

Walking around the shop, he knew this feat would be a tough one.  He didn’t know her that long, and didn’t want to buy her something, which would make her feel uncomfortable.

The first thing he looked at were a pair diamond earrings.  The pair he picked was gorgeous, but inappropriate being such an expensive gift so early in their relationship.  He wanted to choose something that let Pia know he saw deep within her heart.

After walking around the store for close to a half hour, and looking at close to three dozen pieces, he narrowed it down to a sterling silver heart and earrings.  The moment he saw the heart, he knew Pia would fall in love with it, and the earrings, matched the necklace.  It was just right without going over the top, which could possibly lead to turning her off.

Lorenzo had spoken to her twice a day since he left on the road trip.  She seemed fine up until the last two days where she sounded distant.  He couldn’t put his finger on it.  She said nothing was wrong, but he heard something odd in her tone.  He assured her that he missed her and couldn’t wait to come home and hold her in his arms.

“I’m ready,” he said to the short stocky gentleman behind the counter.

“What did you decide on?”

“The heart and earrings.  If you don’t mind, I’d like if you place it in a red box.”

“Sure thing.”


  1. Lovely story! I am falling in love with Lorenzo. But now I want to know what's going on with Pia and is going to let this fabulous man get away? I hope not. Also love the picture you used.

  2. Oh! I hope he's not in for heartache, he's plainly cares for her on a deep and loving level.

  3. Your characters are always so real. Lorenzo is definitely a very special guy.

  4. Well being its Valentines week, maybe the Cupid will strike Lorenzo & Pia with true romance. Happy Valentines Day to everyone! MJP

  5. What a sweet gift...just for her. I really hope it isn't heartbreak waiting for him at home.


  7. Now that's romantic without going over the top.

  8. Lorenzo is a sweetie but now I want to know what's going on with Pia... o_O

  9. I hope Pia isn't going to break Lorenzo's heart. Unless she is planning a surprise for him...

  10. Oh dear, I hope he`s not in for a heartbreak. Nicely done!

  11. Pia has gotten herself in quite the pickle. Now she has to deal with the situation that happened four years ago which she chose to ignore.

    Thank you all for stopping by.

  12. Please tell me he was just imagining it ... he's putting soooo much effort into this!


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